Hello again Rob!!
To me it sounds like they are not going to roost soon
enough, so they aren't seeing as well. I have an opaque roof so it is light in the coop, even on a full moon night. ( some roosters will crow at midnight at the full moon) I would start training them into the coop with treats at dusk, so they are accustomed to going back to the coop at night.
This might take awhile. My very first flock was raised on my front porch in a homemade brooder cage. I didn't know much, past my
books, so I let them go to almost laying age until the coop was finally built. Well. By then they were free range, I would let them out in the morning and my blind dog would help herd them back at night. However once the coop was built I wanted them inside there, but I had to chase them (only 10) into the coop. I finally put up
chicken wire to form a
cattle shoot type of thing and that helped, but it did take a while to get them in there on their own night after night.
So, I would take something tasty after the sun goes down, while it's still light out and toss it into the coop, then when they are in, shut the door. Continue this until they go in by themselves. Since they were raised for some time (like my first flock) without roosting it may take some patience. I personally think that 6-8 weeks is the best time to introduce new peeps to the old girls and transfer them at night to the big girl coop.
A couple of handfuls of chicken scratch should do it. It will keep them busy while you close them in.
....and Kathleens idea is a good one too, but I wouldn't do that when it is so very hot out.