I'm waiting for the Utah agricultural dept. to get back to me on my
compost results. I had it tested at their request when I was having issues with salt build up in my clay soil.
Anyway, I have ten
chickens in a large coop (in ground swimming pool) that I filled on average about three feet deep with
wood chips last fall. I also throw almost everything organic I can right on top of the chips. Grass clippings, tree trimmings (I cut the branches so they're only a few inches long), leaves, food scraps, leafy greens (for
chicken food),
coffee grounds, egg shells, etc. The bigger wood from branches I burn, and then throw the ashes on top of the wood chips. I also use a small hand held fertilizer spreader, and broadcast several pounds of the granular azomite rock dust once every month or two. Other than having to shovel around the doorway (where the
chickens kick the woods chips too deep for it to open properly), I don't mix or turn, or anything. The chickens keep the place pretty tidy by their own scratching.
So, it's been about a year of this, and I just had the compost tested. The ph seems a bit high (if I'm reading the results right), the salt seems low, and I'm a bit disappointed that the N is a bit low too.
Digging several inches down from the top layer of wood chips, the buried portion has broken down into a sweet smelling, black humus? like compost. The particle size is very small (although there are chunks not broken down here and there). Not many earth worms, but there's no soil contact at any point in this process, so that makes sense. There are lots of pill/sow bugs, though. (I have chronic issues with them in my
yard now because of the wood chips I've spread everywhere.)
Just figured I'd waste some time and post up what I ended up with so far. Feel free to give me any input one way or another.
(copy and paste didn't work too well for the pdf, but here it is)
Date Received 8/22/2018
Date Completed 10/19/2018
Identification Compst
Moisture, % 60.6
pH - 2:1 8.4
EC, dS/m - 2:1 0.53
Nitrogen (N), % 0.74
Phosphorus (P), % 0.18
Nitrogen, lbs N/ton 14.80
Phosphorus, lbs P2O5/ton 8.41
Moisture, lbs/ton: 1212.00
pH - 2:1 8.4
EC, dS/M - 2:1 0.53
Potassium (K), % 0.18
Calcium (Ca), % 1.85
Magnesium (Mg), % 0.27
Sodium (Na), mg/kg 167.6
Sulfur (S), % 0.16
Boron (B), mg/kg 17.88
Zinc (Zn), mg/kg 42.68
Copper (Cu), mg/kg 11.29
Iron (Fe), mg/kg 1158.94
Manganese (Mn),mg/kg 73.01
Potassium, lbs K2O/ton 4.33
Calcium, lbs Ca/ton 36.97
Magnesium, lbs Mg/ton 5.44
Sodium, lbs Na/ton 0.34
Sulfur, lbs S/ton 3.21
Boron, lbs B/ton 0.04
Zinc, lbs Zn/ton 0.09
Copper, lbs Cu/ton 0.02
Iron, lbs Fe/ton 2.32
Manganese, lbs Mn/ton 0.15
pH - calc sat paste 8.16
EC, dS/m-calc sat paste 1.1
pH - calc sat paste 8.16
EC, dS/m - calc sat paste 1.1
Carbon (C), % 9.33 Carbon, lbs C/ton 186.6
A value of zero indicates analyte below detecton limit. Results only reflect sample received.
Methods of analysis: pH+EC-2:1 direct analysis; C,N-Elementar total combustion; Mineral-HNO3-H2O2 dig+ICP analysis