Hi Dale, thanks for the info. We are growing a variety of trees, mainly fruit.
We do have bamboo, probably
enough on the property to use. The block is fairly level, with a gentle slope in the lower part (furthest from the house).
My main concern is the level of the water table. We only go to the property on the weekends. I took a look on Saturday, the well level is now less than a meter from the surface and this is the high part of the block. If it was the same level throughout, then the lowest part of would be underwater, which it isn't. Nonetheless, using a tap system may not be possible as the system may over flow.
I'd also been considering using bio-char (burnt rice husks) at the bottom of the tank and possibly in trenches as you suggest, as water would flow easier through the char than our clay soil.
Leucaena is common here, however we don't have much room for planting. I had been considering putting the worm farm next to a young mango, as these have
deep roots. We grow a lot of bamboo, which is a thirsty, heavy feeder however the roots are no more than 600mm deep. If I used
biochar, it may draw water up to the roots?