Hello friends! I live in Michigan’s upper peninsula and just finished building a couple woody beds to be planted next spring. I’m not sure what I’m planting in them yet, but thought incorporating some fungus would be a good idea for improved plant growth and possibly harvesting edible
mushrooms. The beds are in full sun and the folks at
Fungi Perfecti recommended mushroom beds like wine caps and oysters to be planted in a partially shaded location with fresh woodchips. My mulch is dirty
wood bark shavings, so considering that and the beds location, I’m thinking edible fungi may be out of the question. I’m considering buying some mycogrow for vegetables to use when planting the beds but am unsure if it’s really going to do me any good. The beds are full of partially to mostly rotten wood of various tree species, full of fungi and mycelium already. I topped that with fresh mulched maple leaves, produce scraps and then the topsoil removed to build the beds. With the amount of fungi in the logs, would mycogrow really be a benefit? Any advice is appreciated!