No, I'm not a militant/psychotic
vegetarian (yeah, i just watched the permies youtube vid on
chickens being mousers). I
feed mine a mixed diet of pellets &
compost and meat leftovers, but mostly overwinter, the time of year I heard
chickens really need meat. We got lotsa
mice. I noticed more than ever last night as I was closing them into the coop for the night. I've never seen any of our
chickens chase down a mouse. May be I gotta cut way back on the feed? Start them out on smaller bugs, hunger motivating them up the food chain...hopefully they'll stop at mice, eh

. Tho we do have a packrat moved in to the building recently. Looking for a live trap for that one -- it already stole a mousetrap. prolly keep it with the rest of what-the crap ever else its got stored up in the rafters. Oops, this is a question how to revert chickens back to their mousing nature.
Much Thanks, Ogrenick