We sold the smoke house above on craigslist when we moved.
I need one that can fit 2 pigs worth of Bacon, Ham, Jowl, Fatback, and sausages. I want to do it without nails because they work themselves loose with the expansion and contraction of the wood both seasonally and because of the periodic warmth inside. I want to do it without glue or paint because of the delicate nature of smoking very valuable meat. I would be open to lime wash on the exterior like what was done in the 1700s. Not sure on roof materials. I might make clay roof tiles. (I’m a classically trained potter but failed to make money doing it.)
So I figure a smokehouse 6’Wx6’Lx10’H with an exterior smoke generator ought to do nicely. I can timber frame it. Not sure if I want to do clapboards or boards fitted into a sliding dovetail in the beams and set flush with them from the outside. Alternatively, I could do a cob-on-wattle wall with lime plaster on the outside. The foundation is also a major concern. It needs to be fireproof for safety. It needs to not shift during frost heaving. So there are basically several options here. We can do a gravel filled trench going down about 12-14 inches, topped with stone; or we can do a mortared stone (or brick) wall going down 30 inches.
Here is my concept sketch of the smokehouse with plastered
cob walls.
I also considered a slightly different Roof design with a
shelter for smoking wood: