hau Cesca, well the reason people spray anything is because they read the literature that tells them that a. weeds are bad and so we must kill them anyway possible but here is the dandy method and b. that bugs are bad and the only way to get rid of them is to spray nasty stuff (that kills anything it touches, but they handily forget to tell you that you are one of the critters it will kill) so your vegetables will be pretty and with no holes in them. It is part of the chemical companies advertising ploys to
sell more of their poison products, never mind what it does to the overall health of those who use it or to the planet overall.
They will literally say, in print, anything that they think will make you part with your money to buy their "products".
Roundup came on the market back in the late 1970's - early 1980's with a vengeance, it was going to get rid of every weed in your crop fields.
Then they found out that it was also wiping out parts of the very crops it was supposed to help.
Enter "roundup ready" seeds, soybeans, corn, wheat, rice, all genetically engineered to withstand the glyphosate (the first use of glyphosate was to make mustard gas in WWI).
Now they have come up with a probably more deadly Dicambia, and US States that have banned it are being pressured by lobbyists to rethink this ban and remove it for the well being of the farmer's pocket book.
Clever ploys but, you spend a lot more money to buy it and apply it than you will ever regain with your crop.
Today these companies tell the farmer "don't worry, once our poisons hit the soil they are inert" it's yet another lie to get the farmer's money into their own pockets by making the farmer believe they have the magic bullet for weeds and bugs.
It is sad, but it must be individual farmers that put an end to this madness by simply moving to more organic methods of farming, where they grow the soil and let the plants do their thing in that superior soil the farmer is growing for them.
This costs far less money first because you aren't buying chemicals to spray, your aren't spending money burning fuel to spray the stuff and you don't need to buy the spray equipment or keep it and the tractors in good running order all year long.
Money the farmer doesn't spend is money in the bank, it makes it easier to see a
profit when you aren't burning it up or poisoning their
land so they have no microorganisms in their soil forcing them to buy and spread fertilizers.