After 3 tear downs to tinker with the stove i think i have achieved maximum draft. i do not have any temp readings yet but it was hot
enough for the outside of the barrel to go from rust colored to black and enough draft to the point where i could hear the hot gasses hitting the top of the barrel. Keep in mind my rocket heater is made of all dense fire brick and a clay chimney liner for a riser, i also have it up on bricks so air can get under it. The stove its self is able to radiate heat along with the barrel, every brick on this stove gets insanely hot and will continue to put off heat for approximately 3 hours after its out. Still i need more heat,i know i am losing a fare bit out the chiminy so one more tear down to step up to 6 inch, and add a small mass (its currently 5 inch). I also have a second barrel that i can use if need be, its from a small
water hear (25ish gal). During one of the tear down i crawled under my trailer house to check out the floor to see how well built it was and was pleasantly surprised to find 2 I-BEAMS running the full length of my house trailer serving as the frame along with 2x6 (dimensional) for floor supports, so I re positioned my stove to right on top of the I-BEAM and will also position the small mass there as well. The stove is also located right next to a central air duct and i may experiment with blowing the heat off the barrel into the central heating system also thought what would happen if i ran my exhaust THRU my heating ducts, as in, running 6 or 8inch INSIDE the heating ducts. Seems like this could work providing you dont get a leak in the pipe and gas your self.