Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
Tina Hillel wrote:Just to be clear, the meat birds and layers are not sharing a coop. Their interaction is during free ranging.
Zone 9b
Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
Cindy Skillman wrote:
Andrew and Lucretia, I was a little concerned about the pecking order, and thanks for emphasizing that. So far there’s not been much in the way of conflict with my girls and I don’t want to ruin that. I’m thinking, from what you say, that it’s likely I’ll need that netting partition between the two kinds of chickens.
Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
Cindy Skillman wrote:
Salatin said in one of his books that he’d never lost any chickens to raptors while protected in electric netting. If this is still true, I’d conjecture that it may be that they used small paddocks that the raptors didn’t want to land in. If that’s the case, my idea might not be so great a plan. I figure though, that as long as they all have a coop to run into or under, I’ll have done all I can reasonably do short of keeping them in their enclosed run. I may get a goose... not sure of that yet.
Lucrecia Anderson wrote:
Cindy Skillman wrote:
Salatin said in one of his books that he’d never lost any chickens to raptors while protected in electric netting. If this is still true, I’d conjecture that it may be that they used small paddocks that the raptors didn’t want to land in. If that’s the case, my idea might not be so great a plan. I figure though, that as long as they all have a coop to run into or under, I’ll have done all I can reasonably do short of keeping them in their enclosed run. I may get a goose... not sure of that yet.
If there are trees or bushes the birds will run under them, and some people throw out other forms of cover in case raptors fly over. If you have lots of raptors and the chickens are foraging in huge open fields then maybe adding some additional hiding spaces is a good idea.
I have netting over my coop and have only had one raptor attack, the birds were free ranging in the yard (which has lots of trees) and suddenly they were all SCREAMING, they all scattered and hid in various areas as fast as they could. It was very dramatic and none were lost but it took a while for them to calm down. If birds were lost the flock probably won't want to free range in that paddock area anymore.
If a raptor attacks the birds don't have time to run very far. You can use scrap to build little hiding spots, maybe pick up couple of free wood pallets and put those in the paddock if they will be too far away from other cover.
Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
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