TL;DR: Given the opportunity to fine-tune management of conventional corn/soy production, but with little background in agriculture, where does one start?
My extended family lives on a farm and rents their field to a
local farmer who does corn/soy rotations. As of ~5yrs ago, I live within ~30 min of them and am looking to start a
permaculture homestead and small farm in the area. As I take small steps for that big personal
project, I'm looking at this conventional field and am wondering if I can do any good there. (I probably wouldn't move there full-time though.) I'm already visiting that farm more as I'm making use of small parts of the
land for forest farming and tree nursery space. My family rents the field out at a pretty small price per acre - something I could pay with an off-farm job easily, if I was so inclined - which isn't good for them but it at least sets the bar pretty low for alternative farming styles to be feasible there.
I haven't met the farmer they rent to yet but the farmer's family and mine have known each other for generations. He's well educated and his family has some organic farming enterprises but his thing is just corn/soy I think. My hope is I could talk to the current farmer about my interest in ag and to share NRCS-supported techniques I'm interested in, with the goal that he'd put some of them to trial on my family's field. He farms 20ac there, which is a small portion of the hundreds or few thousand acres he manages in the area. I'm very interested in agroforestry but even basic things like no till, cover crops, and multi-cropping would be great to see. I recall he's planted white clover as a cover crop when the field would've otherwise been fallow, and my family that lives there says he's talked about doing minimal till but I can see from the field it gets tilled (I think with disks pulled by a
tractor). They tell me he does use 'modest amounts' of herbicides and chemical fertilizers.
Eventually, the dream is that this field would produce
staple crops with
trees integrated in. My family who lives there says they'd love to see that (they're into homesteading but don't have the capacity/room for risk to get into farming.) I imagine the corn & soy grown there now could probably be grown at the same time (multi-cropping rotations) interspersed with rows of useful trees (nut/timber trees, biomass like hazelnut and willow, wind breaks). I figure one step at a time and if it's going well, we could build up to that dream.
Plan B...or E is that I take over management of the field someday, and that's something my family who owns the land is interested in. This would be at least a couple years down the road, and I don't think I'll ever live on-site. But if I'm in the area (~20-45min drive) and the field can be managed commercially from someone mostly off-site, why not be me (in the family and with more care about the land's history and future)? I figure I could basically keep doing the business model that's working for him, hire help as needed, and fine-tune it to be a healthier agroecosystem. This fits my own personal plans too as I hope to setup a conservation farm elsewhere in the area that I'd live on and hopefully produce some staple crops and healthy ecosystems simultaneously. Well that brings me to the main point of this
I don't know much about agronomy. I also understand that this farmer's 'success' on this 20ac may not be something easily transferred, as it probably depends on subsidies and economies of scale from him managing hundreds of acres in the area. I'm a forestry scientist and a rapidly-improving gardener, but that gives me very little to go on in terms of >1 acre commercial agriculture. To improve my chances, where
should I begin focusing my efforts? What key processes or concepts should I dig into?
I've started learning about planting spacing and timing for corn/soy and machinery used, but there's a lot to it and that doesn't even get into questions like "where do I get seed from?" and "who do I go to to make something useful of a field full of mature plants?" Though 20 acres is relatively small for conventional ag, it is still big
enough where I think I'd need to tap into the use of machinary and big ag markets/systems to keep the field 'afloat' while steering it in a better direction.