Not sure where to put this, but....It's time to consider a new
mattress. I've been researching healthy mattress options and finding them VERY expensive. The other thing I'm finding is that foam mattresses seem to be outpacing the coil/innerspring type mattresses.
My health concern with the coiled type is that - like it or not - we have wifi. I've been reading some articles about our EMF burden and the idea that a mattress with metal coils increases our EMF burden. Most of the foam type are made with petrochemicals - yuk!
I'm considering a natural foam topper on top of a less expensive foam mattress so at least we wouldn't be sleeping right on top of the chemical soaked mattress. It would give us a bit of buffer, but I'm not super happy with this option either. We've never slept on a foam mattress before and I'm concerned about the comfort factor. Any comments on switching from coil to foam? Suggestions on natural bedding materials that don't cost a fortune? I'm seeing $2500 - $3800 for low end just to avoid a mattress not filled with nasty chemicals, and that's JUST the mattress, not foundation or box springs.
These 'cleaner/organic' mattresses all come with a warranty but I'm also wondering how difficult it would be to return. It looks like they all come packaged under pressure like a can of Pillsbury rolls; you know, where you press the seam and explosions ensue?