Pamela Kirsch

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since Nov 22, 2011
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Yamhill, Oregon
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Recent posts by Pamela Kirsch

Bobcats have been stealing chickens (including big roosters) every day or two at a couple of neighbors homesteads. We don't have the problem - we
have a LGD - one of the 'big white ones' - a Maremma. We haven't lost a chicken. I've learned that the 'big white ones' tend to stay close to the flock,
while other LGD breeds will pursue the predator. If a person has lots of acreage, numerous dogs would be best. One lone LGD is 'overworked' - on alert
day and night. With 2+ dogs, they have each others backs - one rests a bit, the other watches. This is an excellent overview of the need for various
breeds of LGD.

10 years ago
I believe Paul's right. Someone shared this - Re: City of Arlington SWAT Raid on Peaceful Organic Farmers is a Big Budget Bust
11 years ago
Welcome back Mark Shepard. I'm looking forward to the Q & A! Thanks.
12 years ago
Welcome Looby! Thanks for your work. The book sounds very good.
12 years ago
I'm hoping someone can identify this plant. (the frilly foliage on the right is not a part of this plant) It's growing under one of our apple trees. Thanks!
12 years ago
Welcome Chaya and Wilson! I love - it's changed the way we live! Good luck with your book - it looks terrific!
12 years ago
Greetings and WELCOME, Toby! Just a note to let you know how much help your book has been to us. We have hi-lighted so much of it and have post it notes sticking out throughout. We are seniors and have begun to use much of your techniques on our 1 acre homestead. My 70 year old husband no longer uses the sprayer for unwelcome plants and he doesn't burn the burn pile anymore but uses the yard trimmings and debris for our growing projects. He's been the biggest sprayer anyone could be, just to let you know how much he's changed his thinking. He's still too timid to share the permaculture word but I'm the blabbermouth around our circle so the word is being passed. We're already passing along words like 'hugelkultur' and 'guilds' to our 4 and 5 years old grandkids and are coaching their parents on the possibilities for their 27 acres. I intend to pass our copy of your book to the 'kids' - purposely wanting the hi-lighting and sticky notes to point to what they can be doing. We're so thrilled. Thank you again. You and Paul have changed our lives! Pam in wine (and olive) country Oregon
13 years ago
Wonder how much heat is needed for one of these to spin? It's powered by heat. Description says 'fan quietly and efficiently circulates warm air from your wood stove, coal stove or other heat source, through your home or workshop dramatically increasing the effectiveness of your heating appliance and improving your comfort level.' I'm wondering if this would this work mounted on a ceiling to circulate heat from an ordinary ceiling light fixture / or heat from from our kitchen heater. This is the 5-blade model -spendy, but there are 2 and 3 blade cheaper models.
13 years ago