Linda Code

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since Nov 01, 2012
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Actually, the tortilla press is the easier way to make flat bread.
I mostly make flat bread but rolling out the dough is getting too hard. Using gluten free flour I buy but am growing what I can.
3 years ago
Welcome Ginny.
Lots of fans for you here!
3 years ago
I grew 3 varieties of corn last summer. My Japanese striped corn was fun and my Glass Gem was very productive.
And my neighbours gave me their fall display which had a lot of full cobs of multicolored corn.
My husband has made me a tortilla press and is researching how to turn a slice of granite into a grind stone.
When I research mills, I get confused and frustrated.
I'm hoping this will become clearer, as I really want a grinder that I can use without pain or headaches.
Gluten sensitivity has sent me down this path.
3 years ago
Not lecturing but sharing my experience.
When minature donkeys become overweight they are prone to metabolic syndrome.
Diabetes and foundering.
Laminitis is very painful and can cripple your donkeys.
Watch for the big thick neck muscle as it is a warning sign.
Learn from my overweight donkey mistake.
Mini ha ha horse haven new zealand is a great minature horse/donkey resource.
I'm not a donkey expert but I have a few things in my head.
A vet told me that donkeys can live on air.  Obviously not quite, but a lean diet is best.
Donkeys and horses evolved to survive on the food the bigger herbivores left behind. Coarse grasses and stuff mostly poor quality.
My donkey was great at picking up every bit of food dropped my the goats and became very fat.
This was horrible as I didn't know that they develop metabolic syndrome just like humans.
In the past few years I found this out and realized this is why he foundered 18 years ago.
He's always had good care but the obesity caused this horrible damage. Now he is lean and cruises the pasture with his girl donkey friend.
So keep your donkey lean and few treats.

There's a group I follow about minis, I'll try to find for you.
Back in my college days (agriculture) in 1982 I remember reading about tomatoes grafted onto pot plants, and the tomatoes showed the same side effects as the rootstock. Just interesting...
6 years ago
We also grow pawpaws. I once had an uneasy stomach after eating some and was told by one of our local tree experts that the toxins were concentrated next to the skin. Of course, my sister said that she always knew that.  Now we hand out fruit with the warning ' don't scrape next to the skin'. We try not to waste any so we eat a lot. Hope this helps.
From the Carolinian zone of Essex County, Ontario, Canada.
6 years ago
I also dried all the leaves off the celery, chard, chickweed, dandelion, lambsquarters, and whatever else I could find in excess to use all winter, The kale is wonderfal as an addition to most meals all winter. It's organic, free and there was freezer space. Once we get a solar dryer(thank you for the link) we will dry so much more. Also we bought a greenhouse frame in the fall, once it's in place we will be able to allocate an area in it to grow greens for a much longer 'fresh food ' season.
10 years ago