We're putting up a yurt with limited access to utilities. We have access to plenty of wood chips. Lots of wood shavings too from a local mill. Wood shaveings are free and easy to haul. They bag them up and fork lift them right into the truck bed. Great! All I have to do is return the big bag.
Manure is another issue. Humanure, yes. Animal manure more difficult. Alot of people in our area are suffering from using manure in their gardens that is laced with broadleaf herbicides from the hay fed to animals. So i'm skeptical of most places where i can get a load of manure- easy access to lots of manure=barn=animals eating lots of hay. So, i'm wondering about the nitrogen source for a compost hot enough to heat water through a cold Colorado winter. Of course, the pile will need to be big big so that the center is nice and hot even if the outside is cold. Thoughts on this? We have access to coffee grounds, green grass/plentiful weeds... other ideas? What ratios produce the hottest compost?