graciela ellis

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since Feb 05, 2013
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Recent posts by graciela ellis

Urine could definitely be an element, not enough supply fro our small family for the size of the compost pile we will need though.
11 years ago
We're putting up a yurt with limited access to utilities. We have access to plenty of wood chips. Lots of wood shavings too from a local mill. Wood shaveings are free and easy to haul. They bag them up and fork lift them right into the truck bed. Great! All I have to do is return the big bag.

Manure is another issue. Humanure, yes. Animal manure more difficult. Alot of people in our area are suffering from using manure in their gardens that is laced with broadleaf herbicides from the hay fed to animals. So i'm skeptical of most places where i can get a load of manure- easy access to lots of manure=barn=animals eating lots of hay. So, i'm wondering about the nitrogen source for a compost hot enough to heat water through a cold Colorado winter. Of course, the pile will need to be big big so that the center is nice and hot even if the outside is cold. Thoughts on this? We have access to coffee grounds, green grass/plentiful weeds... other ideas? What ratios produce the hottest compost?

11 years ago
Also see our post "questions on exhaust pipe material"... another idea we had questions about....
11 years ago
We've been able to collect about half of the 8" stovepipe that we need for our rocket mass. In searching i've found LOTS of 10" and 6" stovepipe that is totally up for grabs. 8" is hard to come by and we've been scrounging for a few months now only to find ourselves still quite a bit short. I'm wondering if the exhaust flow would be messed up by starting with 8" then switching to either 10" or 6" stovepipe? How would that effect efficiency and ability to warm our buns? Thanks so much for your help with this!
11 years ago
Thanks allen,

I still think I'll try to find ungalvanized pipe first and foremost, as I have received very mixed answers to that question and would rather just not risk it. Anyhow I do own Jackson and Evans book, although they don't touch specifically on the galvanized question. We will more or less be following their design as it is our first RMH and they seem to be some of the better sources on the subject. Thanks for the help though. Always good answers and conversation here at permies.

11 years ago
Quick question to throw out to all you rockety folks....we are getting ready to build our first RMS and are having trouble sourcing used stove pipe. The price they want for new pipe practically makes me puke so I'm searching for options. The first question we have is does anyone have knowledge or experience on using galvanized duct pipe? I realize there are dangers associated with galvanized material and heat, but not sure exactly as to the threshold....are the temps present in the exhaust too high for galvanized material? Maybe the first part could be steel and later down the line galvy? Any help or advise would be much appreciated.

Thanks to all...too a better world.

Travis and Gretchen

11 years ago
I am curious if anyone has any information regarding the use of galvanized duct pipe as an alternative. I realize exposing galvanized pipe to heat is generally a no no, but I'm not sure that the lower temps of the exhaust would be of concern or not. Any help would be so greatly appreciated?
11 years ago
We are considering using wool for insulation in the floor of our yurt. I have been reading up on how to keep the moths out of it and one source says to wash and dry it then put it in plastic bags and use though for insulation. Anyone tried this?
11 years ago

Do you have your listing posted anywhere online? Would be interested in a real way in seeing more...

11 years ago
Down in the sunny southwest we have the perfect climate for solar everything. Would love to have a copy of the book in our collective library. Thanks for being with us!

11 years ago