Johannes W. : I see that I did not address Aluminum pipe/ducting, That was do to my thought that you would be able to get a lightweight cold air return grade
(blue'd) steel for less than the price of Aluminum pipe in any grade or thickness! I would not use the aluminum to make up the Heat Riser or the first 6 ft of the
Thermal Mass ! Outside of that, again price should be everything!
You can call, or go to your local building supply, or hardware dealer. What you want to do is end up talking to the Guy/Gal that has been there the longest, and
knows what is in stock in the back room. Tell them you only want the lightest and cheapest grade as you are going to use it to make a form around which you
are going to pack
Cob tightly - True! tell them its an
Art project and you don't care what in inside looks like, it should never see the light of day - True ! Tell
them you plan on finishing your
Art project with a dress coat of white on white Lime or gypsum plaster - True ! If they question whether your Cob can stand up to
the weight of your sculpture, tell the that you are trying to recreate an age old technique that uses chopped
straw for reinforcement - True! You can tell him you
have plans to Test the use of chopped fiberglass matting and hardware cloth and know a Guy that knows a Guy if needed - True
The idea here is to find the store clerk that knows about that slightly rusty pile of the light weight stove pipe they thought they would never get rid of ! Failing in
that, you want to know if the suppliers they use might have some of that light weight pipe gathering rust and dust in a back corner of the warehouse !
Nine meters is just short of 30 ft, we usually figure that every Elbow that we use is ~5'~ worth of additional frictional resistance to flow. Every 'T' used for a clean
out slightly more, and Two Elbows needed for a reversal of direction equal slightly more than 10 ft. of frictional resistance to flow, Depending on the care that
you build with, you should be able to have a total run of 50 ft, this is probably safe for you on a first build !
For the Good of the Craft ! Be safe,keep warm ! PYRO Logical Big AL - As always, your Questions / Comments are Solicited and are Welcome ! A. L.