Anand Sahaja

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since Sep 26, 2013
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Certified Raw Food Nutritionist. Ordained Essene Minister. Creative Director, UX architect, Published author, Organic gardener, Preservationist, 30 years Veg*n
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Co-located in Las Vegas, NV and Johnson City, TX
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Recent posts by Anand Sahaja

We are developing the plans for the land. got some financing together and will likely start building the main house sooner than later. Working on getting more infrastructure in place. there is a 2nd well on the property we are trying to get going... this coming week will be busy with phone calls and lining up bids for various things... We are also working on getting the orchard started, prepping the growing yard and getting ready to install a greenhouse hopefully by late spring.
3 years ago
Reviving this roll call.

We are Texas Hill Country - 290 Wine Trail near Johnson City - an hour west of Austin.

Would love to make some local friends. These are our thoughts:
3 years ago
if you had some kind of tiny house already we could talk? we have land an hour west of austin that we plan to build into an intentional community - but no infrastructure yet, nor for a while...
3 years ago
did you buy that land? we have just 5 acres and were being heavily taxed in spite of the fact that 2/3 or our 5 is 100 year flood plain. i tried to appeal, but was told by the assessor's office that we should be happy we have land that's near water... and we should just plan to use it recreationally.

so now we're in similar predicament. we plan to plant fruit and nut trees on the land.
i did a quick look into flood zone type housing to set up as guest houses.

Search for bahay kubo nipa hut style dwellings.
3 years ago
THANK you so much - this list is very helpful.
we came from Southern California where we shopped at Theodore Payne Foundation and last 15 years in Las Vegas, where we found the State Nursery as a great resource. Now that we are relocating to Hill Country - you have just helped us make a lot of new friends!!!
3 years ago
yes. we did this very thing on a small scale. we dug down only a few feet and ended up with a nice level bed. we grew tomatoes there and they did very well!
3 years ago
hi alicia,

apologies for taking so long to respond. exciting news about your tiny house. how is it going?

currently we do not have wired internet. i use a standard 'nomad' setup with a zte phone hotspot and the visible network. and with that i have been able to get my work done and even stream movies for entertainment. i think a more formal internet setup would be even better of course.

we do not have any plans to be overtly "religious," just "higher power" aligned.

please keep in touch!
3 years ago
Hi Neighbor.
We recently bought 5 acres in hill country (1 hour west of austin) and will also be planting a food forest and creating Intentional Community. i looked over your list of places you have visited thus far and could not find: Kirby frye or Bill Mccraney's farm on a map?  Would you mind elaborating on where they are? and please, would you mind continuing to share what you find out.
We're in Johnson City off the 290.
3 years ago