Sergio Cunha

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since Jun 18, 2014
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A bamboo artisan.
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Recent posts by Sergio Cunha

I don't think there's a synonym for permaculture because of its holistical aproach. I don't know of any other system that sees elements and their connections as a whole as permaculture does.
2 months ago
Pig brain fritters. Mix the brain of a pig, corn meal, salt, garlic, hot pepper, parsley and welsh onions. Then make small balls and deep fry them. It tastes good!
11 months ago
I wonder if autistic people is a nature's way of keeping the species alive in case of high mortality epidemic/pandemic. Since autistic people tend to live alone, it seems they're less vulnerable to highly contagious virus or bacteria. Even if they're living in a group, they will be ok if they survive such an event, because they won't feel so bad to be left behind, i.e. they  won't die of "loneliness". I also wonder if there are "autistic" individuals in other animals with social behavior.
11 months ago
Very interesting! As I live in tropical country, the first food that comes to my mind is palm heart, maybe raw and sweetened with jataĆ­ bee honey, a kind of small bumble bee, I guess.
1 year ago
Hi Kate!

I have a question: Can I direct compost cow manure? I live in a tropical country. My neighbor has one cow and allows me to take his cow manure. I've tried to make hot composting but turning it is too straining on my back so I'd like to make direct compost with that manure.

Thank you!
1 year ago

Cat Knight wrote:

I think this sounds really lonely. Alone in a big house with nothing productive to do sounds terrible.

I would say "sad" instead of "lonely". I live alone in a medium size house and I don't feel lonely. In fact, I don't want  to live in any other way. Besides that, I am productive and I feel fullfilled tending my tiny piece of land.
1 year ago
Today I had ora-pro-nobis leaves (Pereskia aculeata) for lunch.
1 year ago
Hier in Brazil we call them biojewels.
1 year ago
You can have two roosters, and castrate one of them. The castrated rooster will protect the chicks, even watching the sky and warn the hen about hawks and other predators. It's better if the two roosters are grown together at the same chicken coop or backyard (same age). This is to avoid the non castrated fighting the castrated one.

* Edit to say that the castrated one will change his bahaviour, being very protective of the chicks.
1 year ago
I live in tropical country and I noticed that tree frogs moved to the few bromeliads I planted in my front yard last year. I guess they are attracted to the small pool the bromeliads have. I check those small pools sometimes and I don't see any mosquitoes larvae in them, so I think the tree frogs are eating those larvaes.
Now I want to plant more bromeliads around my vegetable garden to attract frogs and control pests.
2 years ago