Rachael Ramos

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since Aug 09, 2016
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Recent posts by Rachael Ramos

I canhelp somehow! Teaching? I just received my PDC. I am working on a diploma and PHD in Permaculture as well.
Please let me know
Cool probably on Zoom. Im in NC =) Happy to hear you have help buddy!
2 years ago
I have land you could live here and get an RV. You could live off grid. I could charge you 400 a month and you can have a garden area for the farmers market..make soaps etc. I need help with my land and portfolio diploma work.  You will learn a lot but the best part is what you can learn for yourself. I also am starting classes and help for employment with the homeless. (free teaching for employment and references)

I just received my PDC. I am working on a diploma and PHD in Permaculture as well.
Please let me know
2 years ago
I have land you could live here and get an RV. You could live off grid. I could charge you 400 a month and you can have a garden area for the farmers market..make soaps etc. I need help with my permie schooling and an earthbag home plan to be built. You can do work trade or get a job also for 300 in rent. We could work out something mutually beneficial.

or get a wall tent.
I just received my PDC. I am working on a diploma and PHD in Permaculture as well.
Please let me know
2 years ago
I have land you could live here and get an RV. You could live off grid. I could charge you 400 a month and you can have a garden area for the farmers market..make soaps etc. Or work trade and find a job etc.

or get a wall tent something safe for a child.

I just received my PDC. I am working on a diploma and PHD in Permaculture as well.
Please let me know
2 years ago
I have land you could live here and get an RV. You could live off grid. I could charge you 400 a month and you can have a garden area for the farmers market..make soaps etc.

or get a wall tent something safe for a child.
I just received my PDC. I am working on a diploma and PHD in Permaculture as well.
Please let me know
2 years ago
Hello, I can help you! I have a PDC and have a lot of wwoofing experience. I am in a current Applied permaculture degree class with Steve Hart (traveled with Bill Mollison and has 50 years of experience). I can help you at lower cost and add you to my portfolio for the diploma. Please let me know your costs and needs. We can work something out!


2 years ago
Hello, I can help you! I have a PDC and have a lot of wwoofing experience. I am in a current Applied permaculture degree class with Steve Hart (traveled with Bill Mollison and has 50 years of experience). I can help you at lower cost and add you to my portfolio for the diploma. Please let me know your costs and needs. We can work something out!


2 years ago