bri newhouse

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Sustainable living made simple: Basics of permaculture design provides a general outline to living off the land. Based on the 72-hour certified permaculture design course, participants will gain an understanding of principles and practices needed to live off the land.

This course has over 4000 participants and over 100 reviews!

"I really enjoy your outlook - I don't find it as utopian as I was expecting (sorry about that) Rather I feel it to actually be a realistic outlook. I am reading the book 'Sapiens' which your first few videos reminded me of quite bit." -Peter Stuart Turner

"Many thanks to the author of this series, for sharing this valuable information and experience with us! Those videos cover multiple important topics any sustainable farmer should consider. The information is mostly general and thus suitable for a starting point and becoming a good overview of the multiple facets one have to address in order to establish a good natural and sustainable farm. I recommend it!"    -Svetoslav Vasilev

"So much information for such. Low price" Nancy Mannil

Watch the course preview and sign up for just 10 bucks!

About the course:
COURSE UPDATE MARCH 2019: New Material Added! Learn about quick startup farm strategies in the last three sections of this course.  
COURSE UPDATE FEBRUARY 2018: Raps about permaculture added in the downloadable materials section. Based on the text from this course. 

This course follows The Permaville Handbook: Strategies of Permaculture Design. Learn design strategies from real life examples from sustainable projects around the world. 

In this course you will learn the basics of:

• Water filtration
• Building with earth
• Soil and compost
• Raising fish, insects and animals

In over 20 white-board animated videos, this course has over 4 hours of content. This course provides a broad analysis of nature and strategies for how we can be responsible custodians of earth.  

Learn how to live off the land with strategies of permaculture design.

Who is the target audience for this course?

This course is for people who are interested in learning the basics of sustainable living. No experience required. 

Does the Permaville Course count as a Permaculture Design Course certificate?

This course meets the basic requirements for a Permaculture Design Certificate. In-person permaculture design courses or sustainable living courses are highly recommended for hands-on experience and group discussions. There is no substitution for in-person learning environments.

Do I need any previous experience or qualifications?

A desire to learn

The course is in English

No other experience is required


• Story of permaculture
• Definitions of permaculture
• Agro, industrial, digital
• Social structures
• Cloud 

Principles and Ethics     
• Fundamental principles of a permaculture site
• Permaculture ethics – people care, earth care and fair share

Perma design strategies

Zones and sectors

Patterns in nature
• Phi proportion
• Using patterns in nature

Climates and microclimates

Urban design
• Types of living settlements
• Urban design strategies

Areas of permaculture

• What are earthworks
• Types of levels
• Earthworks elements  - swales, bunds, terraces
• Methods for lining ponds
• Pond liners

Paths and access
• Footpaths – Types and specs
• Path drainage and erosion control techniques

Natural building
• Building with earth
• Making mortar mix, adobe bricks
• Natural plastering, sealants and paints
• Building with cob, earthbags, rammed earth, bamboo, strawbale

• Properties of water and hydrological cycle
• Water sources, storage and filtration
• Water heating and conservation strategies
• Greywater systems

• Community recycling strategies
• Types of composting toilets
• Bio-gas 

• Soil food web
• Elements in the soil
• Compost
• Building a compost pile

Compost tea
• Mulching
• Microorganisms
• Indigenous and effective microorganisms

Methods to grow mushrooms
• Bio-remediation
• Worm composting bins

• Potting soil
• Nursery design
• Plant propagation
• Choosing plants
• Seed saving

• Choosing garden space
• Types of gardens
• Garden techniques

• Tree planting methods
• Layers of a forest
• Forest succession
• Food forest design

• Pond design
• Stocking your pond 
• Aquaponics
• Chinampas 

Insects and animals
• Attracting beneficial insects
• Keeping pests away
• Animal care 

• About added value
• Sustainable kitchen elements
• Fermentation

Appropriate technology
• Making charcoal
• Applying simple machines to everything
• Renewable energy

• Village economics
• Alternative economics
• The point


Field (startup farm)
• Greenhouse
• Potting soil
• Bed preparation
• Compost tea
• Hydroponics
• ACTIVITY: Create a Field MAP and Field LOG.

Crops (startup farm)
• Spring and summer crops
• Fall and winter crops
• Market vegetable varieties
• Trees and herbs
• ACTIVITY: For crop section is to create a SEED LOG

Farm (startup farm) 
• Post-harvest area and wash and packing area
• Storage and processing area map
• Sales and earnings
• ACTIVITY: Create a post-harvest area MAP and create a HARVEST LOG

In search of landowner that is interested in developing land into a sustainable farm.

Criteria requires access to water and good sun; a room or space in which to live in exchange for my work

My experience:
2+ years experience working on vegetable farms… planting, tending, harvesting, marketing/sales
3+ years experience living in communities… building with cob, making ponds and gardens, doing permaculture, making organic hydroponic systems with high yield

Can provide work experience and references upon request

6 years ago

A field hand / assistant manager position on an organic farm run by good souls

I spent most of the last 10 years traveling: Peace corps in west african islands, a year volunteering in haiti/dr, three years on permie farms in India thailand Nepal, built wind turbines with GE to fund this. Visited over 40 back-to-the-lander sites worldwide.

I wrote a book (, made an online course about permaculture ( and recently created a 12-month plan for a 30-acre organic farm ( 34 year old male.

i have project management skills and degree, good communication skills; I am a good listener, follow directions well, and I am a hard worker who doesn’t mind long productive hours working in soil, as well computer skills with websites and writing.

Seeking responses from folks who want to have an organic farm. I am willing to be compensated at a base salary that would also include housing.

I would like to work with people who are willing to share the common goals of what sustainable farming is all about; who learn from each other; and who can maintain respect of individuals, no matter the pecking order of workers.

SE USA preferable, willing to travel
7 years ago
Compost tea + hydroponics

8 years ago
Hey Permies,

I'm seeking 1600 square feet of land to build earthen home and highly productive organic hydroponic garden.
Home can grow 2000 plants year round and house 1-2 people.
Goal is to install self-sufficient living space to be managed by 1-2 people.
Estimated 2k/month in food sales.
Can offer workshop to share technology.

Need access to water. flat land, good sun.
Looking for part time job while building. materials will cost around 10k.
Land can be anywhere, near small town is preferable.

pics attached
Hey Virginia,

Great post. I'm interested.

I'm 33yo, male, from atlanta, kind, humble, passionate, hard-working, spiritual, peace corps. have experience traveling, building, growing, tinkering. ive built mud structures, water filters, compost toilets, ponds, hydroponics units. lived on perma farms for the last three years in asia. worked construction and restaurant jobs to fund life experiences. permie at heart.

I'm in atlanta at the moment. looking for land to help develop long-term plan. looking to develop space so it can be easily managed by 1-2 people. interested in building a small earth home and highly productive organic hydroponics greenhouse (can share plans)... interested in hearing more about what you want to do with your land, can help develop long-term plan.

please contact if opportunity is still available

8 years ago