Lyda Eagle

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since Jun 17, 2017
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I get so mad at myself when I find something that has gone bad. I have a very limited budget so every but counts    I’ve gotten better at using the fruit and veggies. Either dehydrate or ferment them. But I found part of a block of cheese that was beyond moldy a few days ago. I usually get a big block and portion it up freezing some but I completely forgot this one.  I do try and keep a bag of bones and/or veggie scraps to make broth with.  And if I get something new before the old is used I try and make sure to put the old up front in the fridge.  
2 years ago
Just Gorgeous!!!  And congrats on being able to stick through to the completed project. doing not only the sewing of the coat but all the many long hours of weaving.  It's not the easiest to keep yourself motivated through a long project.  
2 years ago
One of my favorites that anyone can get us dandelions. The whole plant it edible. The leaves are great raw or cooked.  The roots once chopped and lightly roasted make a great coffee substitute. The buds and flowers can be eaten raw or cooked. But I really like to ferment the buds. They are much like capper’s.
2 years ago
We had some wild roses near my house when I was a kid. And I love to go smell them. Along with some peonies and lilacs were always some of my favorites. I had never been around citrus trees until I was an adult and loved how the orange blossoms scented the whole area up with their fragrance.
2 years ago
One of the best things from a dump was a puppy.  I was in high school on the bus on my way home and we went on an old road that had a make shift dump site locals had formed. I would look as we went by as sometimes you could see good things when I saw a tiny scruffy puppy.  As soon as I got home I begged my brother to take me back there. And luckily the pup was still there. He smelled horrible and was covered in fleas,  ticks and just filthy. We took him home cleaned him up, got some food in the poor thing. And he became best friends with our lab. He was so tiny not even as big as her head but they didn’t care. They would run and play all day.  
2 years ago
So glad too see that your book is doing so well. I have enjoyed over the years watching as your family shares their journey into living a better life. Thank you for being so giving in your knowledge and skills.
3 years ago
I was looking for a better way to grow food.   Tp improve my health and grow organic,I think i saw some vids on youtube and down the rabbit hole i went.   And it all just spoke to me.   And you learn organic is just the begining.   Can't remember the first one but I started watching Permies vids and couldn't get enough.  
And i love that there are so many topics you can look up and find info and help on.  
I do my best to bring others into the fold. lol  Some want to know and you can talk with them but others are just not ready.  But maybe when they are they will remember the word permaculture.
Thanks for sharing, It is beautiful!!  I have never sheared a sheep but i did get some raw wool I had to clean and scour. Then spun it and started some mittens. They are still in my to get to sometime bag, along with a few other things :-)   In the summer I like to switch t cotton or  linen  to work with.
3 years ago
I keep going back and looking at all the amazing things we get with this kickstarter. It's so much and so great. I don't understand why everyone at permies did not al least get on the 1 dollars deal. And so glad I uped mine to the 65 dollar level. The stretch goals are more than worth it.   Can't wait to start getting all these goodies and the book.  Just an incredible job everyone!!!
3 years ago
I had not checked kickstarter in  a couple of days .. I think it was around 62000 the last time.  It was a very nice suprise to see it all the way up to 67,700 !!! Very cool.   Congrats on this doing so well.
3 years ago