Jon Wright

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since Jul 13, 2023
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Monica Truong wrote:14 early bird rewards for our 14th Kickstarter!  How cool is that?

Pretty cool. I pledged a buck, hope I win all 14!
Thanks Paul.
1 year ago

Dalton Dycer wrote:

Christopher Weeks wrote:Have you looked at the options of helping out with Paul's real-life projects in Montana?

Uprooting my family for a volunteer opportunity when I’m this financially stretched isn’t an option. It’s cool lots of people can afford to go to Montana and skip work for a month or 2 but I can’t. Wish I could I’d love to go. But I’ve got too many real world responsibilities. My volunteer time is behind me. This would be a crowd funded land trust which would be basically a permaculture amusement park for families to enjoy.
If I’m moving somewhere the climate is significantly less enjoyable it’s strictly because that’s where a lot of people who want to build something better are.
Paul’s projects are cool, but are we really going to rely on Paul for everything? He has more than enough on his plate without trying to organize the biggest permaculture build in the history of America!

Honestly Washington or Oregon would be better than Montana strictly because there’s already stuff going on in Montana! If you ask me the fact that every state doesn’t have what Wheaton labs has in MT is a serious threat to our food security and sovereignty as a nation.

If you don't have time and you don't have money, what is it you are offering? I am not clear on what the original post is about.
If you don't want to spend time in therapy, then you have to help yourself. I read a good book last year called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck"
By Mark Manson.
It's been around a while, is pretty cheap and in most Libraries. It's A counterintuitive approach to living a good life. I think it would help you.
1 year ago

S Bengi wrote:It's 100% sweet potatoe.

greg mosser wrote:definitely sweet potato. true yams are twining vines and that’s not giving any indication of trying to twine. leaf shape doesn’t need to come into it, it just doesn’t have a dioscorea attitude.

Thank you, guys. Can't trust the Scroogle corp.

Tereza Okava wrote:looks a lot like an "ornamental" sweet potato that my neighbor has.
not really ornamental, because it makes roots (which are yummy), but the leaves are funkier. Maybe it is better to call it a "decorative" sweet potato...

I thought the diascorias, even the trifidas, have a bit more roundness to the leaf. usually they're heart shaped but we see the trifidas growing wild around here and they're almost lobular, not pointy.

The leaves seem to have many variations.
got image from this publication.

S Bengi wrote:When you cut the root crop/yam is it a bit "wet-slimy" aka Dioscorea or is it dry like regular sweet potato. You can also cook it and see if it is sweet or not.

It can be confusing at times because the word yam/potatoes can mean any of the following:
Dioscorea (Chinese yam)
sweet potatoes (think thankgiving candy yam)
Irish Potatoes (in the tomatoe/pepper family, used to make fast food "French Fries)
elephant ear ( also called dasheen/cocoyam/etc)

And all of thes comes in different sking color and flesh color.

But to give you a short answer: The feeder roots and the smoothness of the tuber is making me think regular sweet potatoes. Dioscorea usually has a tuber that is more bark-like.  Sweet potatoes will root when the vine touches the ground but Dioscorea normally doesn't root. Also Dioscorea will naturally climb 15-40ft up a tree while sweet potatoes prefer to stay on the ground and root at every node.  

The vine touched the ground and rooted. I don't see any tendrils on it.


Anyother vine picture closer.

helen atthowe wrote:Hi Jon, Very funny! Paul was a student of mine 20 years ago, but never an influence! But I have had a lot of important influences. My greatest influences were:  Wes Jackson from the Land Institute, where I did a year long internship 40 years ago and learned about plant ecology and perennial polycultures. Fukuoka, who taught me to keep the  soil covered always. My brilliant late-husband, Carl Rosato, who inspired and helped me to experiment with no-till methods. Eric Brennan, USDA Research Horticulturist, who has done some great organic systems and cover crop research. Michael Phillips, author of the Holistic Orchard. Several university soil scientists whose soil microbial ecology research helped me see the soil in a whole new way. Good question! Our influences shape the way we think and help us to see the world differently.

helen atthowe wrote:Jon, I don't add or use mycelium in my gardens, except to add organic residues as mulch that are filled with fungal mycelium as they break down. So far, I have been able to create habitat for fungi and they come naturally. Bacteria and parasitic nematodes also suppress pest nematodes and like organic residues additions and moist soil. Good luck!

Thank you very much.  Appreciate all the leads. Your husband was an accomplished person. Lost my wife in 2021 so I know the feeling of losing someone close. Glad you are able to keep busy and have a laugh also.
1 year ago
I have a plant I received from a Jamaican friend who called this a sweet potato. The Scroogle lens says it is a Dioscorea Trifida. The flesh is white. I haven't grown enough to harvest yet. Have 5 propagated so maybe next year I can eat some.
Does anyone have any knowledge of such a plant?

Greetings Helen,
    Thank you for spending time with us.
Besides Masanobu Fukuoka and Paul Wheaton, who were your biggest influences in your journey and what was the most important thing they taught you?
Nematodes are a big problem in Florida gardens, some research has shown mycelium likes to eat them. Do you add or use mycelium in your gardens?
Best Regards,
1 year ago