Hank Waltner

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since Feb 19, 2020
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Recent posts by Hank Waltner

I think I’ll just stick to mason jars maybe put one of those silicon ferment lids on it. Those kefirco jars look nice.I’m not sure they would be much more convenient. The kefir cheese maker jar does look nice for making some soft cheese. I think I would prefer it over the wooden spoon towels method being as I only have a small cooler, so waiting for a bowel of cheese to finish dripping would take to much space.
2 years ago
Not to start another thread but I tried searching and haven’t found a thread or much mention of this. I’m about to start making kefir(grains are on there way). I like kefir and I’m convinced is easier than yogurt. But I saw all these fancy kefir making jars and or mason cap kits. Any experience with them? I’m sure they aren’t necessary but do they add convenience?
2 years ago
Suns out. Go suns out. Hey guys cooking in the go sun again trying to figure it ou. Currently making a potatoey egg bake.I’ll post pictures when it’s done

Potato Cake

2 spuds
1 small onion
4 eggs
Seasoning as desired( lawerys salt and some pepper)

Slice the spuds and onions put in go sun with parts of butter on top. Bake till done(bout 30 minutes). Crack eggs in bowl and stir together with some shredded cheese and seasoning. ( thin with milk if desired). Pour eggs in top of potatoes and bake till done.
2 years ago
So I pulled the trigger on one. I managed to get a good deal. I think I got the sport pro pack for 250 instead of the normal 400. My dad and I had a good laugh because a gas cooking range could have been cheaper. We both stopped laughing when it cooked potatoes and onions in negative outside temps . Water was freezing instantly but the spuds where to hot to touch. The comments on steam are very accurate. It’s so small that the steam is a lot but can be managed if left cracked open. But I can’t leave it open on my place without defending it from the friggen cats. I think we might need to start a thread specifically centered on the experience and recipes. Anyone interested?  
3 years ago
I'm spending this coming summer off grid but I love sour dough bread (and Sweets). I"m seriously considering  a go sun stove. This one specifically https://gosun.co/products/sport-pro-pack. Does any one have long term experiences with there stoves? I understand that they are not every thing they are made out to be. Any serious flaws  I should know about? I plan to supplement this oven with a Kelly Kettle water boiler and a Thai style charcoal/wood cooker.
3 years ago
I were 4 different types a lot. Most of the warm months I where a Shorter brim felt hat. Think Stetson open road. If it’s really windy I just were a ball cap sporting whatever co-ops logo from the area. Come the colder months I wear a scotch cap (think wool baseball cap with ear flaps). When it gets really cold I were a double thick crochet beanie.
3 years ago
I live in the upper Midwest so i would be using the stove from September to April depending on the year. The rest of the year I plan on having an outdoor cannery/kitchen. Did you put an oven on your stove[Heather Sharpe]?
3 years ago
I'm looking at purchasing a small shed. But I want to build it with sustainable design. The shed is 12 by 8 and 8 foot tall. Would  Matt walkers tiny masonry heater be too hot. I love the design of cook stove oven and thermal mass. But would it cook me out of my house??
3 years ago
My broilers are Red Rangers. I had Cornish cross last year and theses birds a far more intelligent.
3 years ago