Abraham Palma wrote:Rachel, I think you touched one of the ideas I am struggling with right now.
I think we should always have some spare time, in case we have to face the unexpected. And for our sanity, we need to spend some of our working time doing 'building' stuff. So, whenever we find ourselves without spare time, we need to think about doing some 'prunning' in our activities, starting with the activities that demand more maintenance effort. It means that we have to sacrifice some stuff in order to prevent crisis. We can't be the best friend in the neighbourhood and the best parent and the best lover and the best worker all at the same time.
I know I need to cut back some of my activities, since I'm overwhelmed with maintenance stuff right now and I understand that if left that way, I will collapse eventually. But it's so hard to decide which part of me I should sacrifice! Certainly, not the kids.
Dian Green wrote:I'm not sure if you have some used book stores around but you might find this cookbook helpful.
I found a copy a couple of years ago at our local thrift store and have been happy with the recipes we've tried. With it being done by the National trust, I feel pretty sure most are the proper, traditional versions.