Rio Auern

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since Sep 27, 2020
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Recent posts by Rio Auern

Rio here! At this point I have been at Wheaton Labs for over a month! It definitely feels longer already, and I am looking forward to continuing to grow with this land and community.

I keep having this strange sensation that I’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere and landed directly in heaven. Truly Idyllic hobbit land this is, kittens playing around on hugelkultur, lovely people being kind and helpful to each other, organic healthy food, and lots of wholesome laughter!

I’m here at WL for the long haul, I came here after having been signed up for the bootcamp over 4 years. Finally my worldly life fell to pieces and I found the freedom to follow my calling. My journey here was a long one, towing most of my belongings including all sorts of tools and a motorcycle.

Test driving this wild machine called a phone on a forum, and rest assured non-formulaic content will follow. Please bear with me on this adventure, I am posting from a phone and haven’t had a computer or social media in *years*. Rare for my generation.
6 months ago
Pretty self explanatory! I chose to pee-water an area near a comfrey on the hugel.

(This is my first bb attempt!)
im hoping mine will flower, it seems to be just a nice spreading ground cover so far. i do intend to have it around trees in the orchard, but it does like moist soils and im worried about it drying up (in california) if unattended
4 years ago
This is amazing, really inspiring!! Where would you point a beginner to learn to do something like this?
4 years ago
hello all,
just thought this would be worth a shot. ive been on my permaculture journey for a long time now, and i know that it will be my life path. I'd like to find someone to hold hands with along the path. open to friends too of course but ideally looking for my life partner. age doesn't matter but it might be hard to connect if we're more than a decade apart- im open though. no men please.

im in california but willing and able to relocate for the right situation/person.

email or text
4 years ago
This is amazing, thank you. I will be tapping into this resource
4 years ago
Right there with you on the a la Allan Savory. I wonder if it would be relatively simple to align the farmers who already keep cattle nearby, and the owner/s of the land. Perhaps an organization. That raises the question of funds I suppose.
4 years ago
One time I ran into some Stanford guys taking a tour and analysis of the land for goat grazing as fire prevention and land regeneration.

I'm super keen on your idea and I would love to link resources if there's any concrete way of going forward here.

Let's keep this convo going and signalboost!!!
4 years ago
Yo, would love to connect if you're still around. I'm across the bay in Oakland. Currently working in landscaping design and helping tons of friends do their gardens, would love to help with yours too. I also farm worms so if that's something you'd be interested in I can help and provide startup kit. Plant trade if nothing else! Blessings!
4 years ago