This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
wood badge in
This BB requires you to build another J-Tube
Rocket Mass Heater that is different from the one you built for your
straw badge.
These are some potentially useful resources:
The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide by Erica and Ernie Wisner
Top Questions About Rocket Mass Heaters
New Build - Need Help
Building My First RMH (Tommy's Tea Dome)
Farm House RMH, First In House Build
This is a potentially helpful
video on building a
Rocket Mass Heater Full Build (time lapse)
From the video description:
"So I decided to go back thru and use all the High speed video footage and compile a video, speed it up a bit (was over an hour) and give you the build One time through. Thanks For watching."
To get certified for this Badge Bit you must provide:
- pic of area before build
- pic of core (exterior of burn tunnel, heat riser and manifold) without barrel
- pic of ducts or stratification chamber before mass
- 3 pics of manifold
- pic of completed product
- pic of vertical exhaust going into the ceiling
- pic of vertical exhaust coming out of the roof
- 2 minute video of starting the fire and proving there are no smoke leaks