This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
In this Badge Bit, you will make a hole in the ground. A hole that has
water at the bottom of it. Let's dig/pound/wash a shallow well!
Here's a guy digging one:
And some guys driving one:
And washing/jetting one:
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- create a shallow well with a casing or lining
- digging, washing, jetting, pounding and other methods are fine as long as you don't use a $500,000 well drilling machine
- more than 10' deep
- more than 1/2 gpm of flow
Points awarded range from 4-10 points based on complexity and depth of the well. A relatively normal well digging
experience will garner 6 points.
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pics or
video (less than two minutes):
- the location where the well will go
- the parts you're using to make the well
- the finished well pipe/casing in the ground
- a tape measure sticking out of the well showing the overall depth
- the wet end of the tape showing there's water in the well
- video of at least 1/2 gallon per minute of flow