This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Animal Care.
For this BB, you will control rodents with
For this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- Small outdoor rodents
- including, but not limited to:
- rats
- chipmunks
- moles
- gophers
- Do NOT use guns, electricity, fences, or traps
- There is a foraging BB for hunting rabbits/squirrels
- Pre-requisite BBs
- Create snake habitat
- Create a brush pile
- Do
five of the following:
- Create 6 more snake habitats
- Create 6 more brush piles
- Plants that encourage cats
- Get a new cat that is a good mouser
- Get a new rodent eating dog (ie rat terrier)
- attract two different birds that eat rodents
- describe the species and how you’re attracting them
- probably building housing
- perches for raptors
- Plants that discourage rodents
- pulse hogs/chickens/turkeys/etc. through an area with too many rodents
- put out more food for rodents (thus attracting predators)
- Improve food/grain storage
- Create an exposed area around your garden that they won’t cross for fear of getting grabbed
- Make an actual moat
To document your completion, provide proof of the following as pics or video (less than two minutes):
- state which
five rodent control measures you will implement
- before, during, and after construction/implementation of each of the
five rodent control measures you select to implement
- Prove your efforts mitigated rodents. Do one of the following:
- Have a “control” patch and document results during the time of year when rodents are a problem
- Document one year without and one year with controls, same time of year