Call for Instructors for the 2021 RMH Jamboree!
We're in the planning stages for the 2021
Rocket Mass Heater Jamboree! Find out more about the event
HERE. We're currently lining up the big-name headliners, and are wondering if there are people who would like to instruct a build or two.
What's in it for you?
a free ticket to the event! be a part of the RMH innovations! a chance to learn and work with other RMH professionals
What's required?
lead 1 or 2 builds during the event prior experience building rocket mass heaters a desire and willingness to teach others!
The builds to chose from:
Some ideas for innovative projects to build:
Plot 1 (Shann-delier) tiny house
rocket mass heater
Plot 2 tiny house Rumford fireplace overhaul (
mushroom house)
Plot 2 tiny house
rocket mass heater (Danu's warren)
Skiddable canning kitchen - lorena stoves
Solarium tiny house
rocket mass heater (the solarium will be built during the PTJ)
rocket forge
rocket kiln 2.0
a new
solar food dehydrator with a rocket booster
rocket sauna
rocket outdoor kitchen (pavilion)
rocket oven at Allerton Abbey
Upgrade Projects:
rocket mass heater in the library (overhaul
wood feed, move vertical exhaust closer)
rocket mass heater in the fisher price house (efficiency optimizations)
bun warmer beautification
cottage rocket (cleaner burn)
Possible upgrades depending on further testing this winter:
Love Shack
Red Cabin
RMH Tipi
Maybe even a Rocket Mass Heater SKIP track!
Maybe something else if you have a brilliant idea that Paul is interested in!
Post down below with your interests and qualifications!
(or PM me or PM Uncle Mud (Chris McClellan))