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Paul continues his call with Mark and Katie on the subject of building rules and regulations on his
land, this time hopefully staying on topic…
First order of business is to come up with a word or term for “I have a list of two thousand things I’m going to get done on day one. It’s now four months later and I’ve ticked off 9 of them”, in part to explain more concisely why Paul and co. haven’t done this one thing that the speaker has on their list of things to do day one and only takes about an hour. (Editor’s vote goes to “feature creep”)
Regarding getting the
boots to help with a task, it’ll depend on the task – trying to pay them for a day’s work on a Saturday won’t get you far unless you can line their hands with silver, but if you need help from a group of them to build a wofati or mix
cob for an hour, chances are they’ll be happy to help. If there were more boots around, then you’d be more likely to find one willing to
sell their Saturday, but as it is, the only one that might be willing is Fred, seeing as he’s retired from bootcamp.
Now, onto actual building regulations – if you have an indoor
willow feeder system, store your own cans. If there’s only one or two people going to be using it regularly, you can get away with far fewer than Paul has, seeing as you won’t have to deal with up to 50 or so people using it during events. Capacity for three cans
should be
enough for a private building. Paul would rather not do
humanure due to concerns about having
poop exposed to rainwater and potentially washing out. If the system is sufficiently immunized from rainwater, then it won’t be much different from a willow feeder anyway.
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willow feeder (wheelie bin pooper) at wheaton labs basecamp - the Willow Bank
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Neath
Bill Crim
Chris Sugg
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Dominic Crolius
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Pasquale DeAngelis
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Greg Martin
Sean Benedict
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Nick DePuy
Nathan Hale
Opalyn Brenger
Polly Jayne Smyth
Todd Gerardot
Katie Young
Ivar Vasara
Brent Lawson
Weston prestage
Candice Crawford
Chris Holtslag
Song Zheng