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Paul sits down with Ashley for both the first podcast and first smackdown of 2022 to supposedly review Building a Better World, but never get around to it, instead having a good natter about various bits of media and old podcasts.
A benefit of running a podcast is that sometimes people come to you to discuss
permaculture. One such person is the guy behind “Fat Head” who called Paul up for that exact reason, although Paul doesn’t think he managed to talk him out of having a raging bonfire with all his surplus
wood instead of doing something more useful with it. Like
hugelkultur beds, or rocket heater fuel. But bonfires are fun, I guess. Ashley has a similar problem with her husband, just replace “bonfire” with “grill”, although seeing as she’s there as well, she tends to just pinch the wood for her own nefarious purposes.
The two spend a fair bit of time discussing Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged despite the inevitable onset of people that hate the book and its author descending into the comments. They both appreciated the story, the characters and values that they embody (predominantly personal integrity). Paul points out a parallel between the government-funded laboratory and Helen Atthowe who quit being a Master Gardener after 17 years due to an ever-tightening collar that demanded she basically preach pro-chemical agriculture. He also notes that the book seems to bring out certain character traits in those that hate it, making them reveal quite a bit about themselves in the process, while others find the values so alien that they have trouble even reading the sentence structure. Finally, and much less validly, some seem to hate on it based on the view that the author had some weird happenings in her bedroom – she’s an artist, that’s par for the course.
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Fat Head
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Podcast 039 - Review of Atlas Shrugged
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Neath
Bill Crim
Chris Sugg
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Dominic Crolius
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Pasquale DeAngelis
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Greg Martin
Sean Benedict
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Nick DePuy
Nathan Hale
Opalyn Brenger
Polly Jayne Smyth
Todd Gerardot
Katie Young
Ivar Vasara
Brent Lawson
Weston prestage
Candice Crawford
Chris Holtslag
Song Zheng