Tracie Germain wrote:Does DE work for scorpions, since they have an exoskeleton?
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Rachel Morton wrote: Any info on DE causing issues with electrical areas? The ants have a wonderful nest right next to one of our outlets. We've cleaned out two nests over the past three years in the same area. Would be great if I could have DE blown in to keep them out.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Tracie Germain wrote:OK, I'm am going to try it and let you know. I have a teribble scorpion problem in and around my house
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Rachel Morton wrote: Any info on DE causing issues with electrical areas? The ants have a wonderful nest right next to one of our outlets. We've cleaned out two nests over the past three years in the same area. Would be great if I could have DE blown in to keep them out.
I would think that DE is non-conductive and, therefore, safe around electric stuff. At the same time, it is a dessicant, so it absorbs water, which is famous for conducting electricity. I think I would play it safe and keep the DE out of electrical stuff.
paul wheaton wrote:
Rachel Morton wrote: Any info on DE causing issues with electrical areas? The ants have a wonderful nest right next to one of our outlets. We've cleaned out two nests over the past three years in the same area. Would be great if I could have DE blown in to keep them out.
I would think that DE is non-conductive and, therefore, safe around electric stuff. At the same time, it is a dessicant, so it absorbs water, which is famous for conducting electricity. I think I would play it safe and keep the DE out of electrical stuff.
I have never met a stranger, I have met some strange ones.
"Succeed- that is the advice which drips from the overhanging corruption." Victor Hugo
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Dianimaldts McCoy wrote: 3) Fire Ants ALL OVER my 3 1/2 acres;
I have kept chickens for 6 years, have used DA right from the very beginning, liberally sprinkled all over the chicken house never had red mite problem, never had louse or mite problems and still have 2 of my original chooks 6 years on! Can't be that bad for them!Susan Monroe wrote:"store employee warned me against diatom. earth because I have chickens. He said that it cuts their gizzard."
Just when you think you've heard every stupid remark possible from store employees, someone always comes up with a new one.
If you are using food-grade DE (the only kind you should use), you can eat it yourself. You can feed it to your kids, dogs and livestock. It is as fine as flour.
There is NO WAY this stuff is going to damage a chicken's crop! My birds eat it whenever they happen to run across it, and they're six years old. If this stuff is injuring their crops, it sure does work slow!
paul wheaton wrote:A series of recent bits and bobs compelled my to write an article about diatomaceous earth.
Did I leave anything out?
paul wheaton wrote:A series of recent bits and bobs compelled my to write an article about diatomaceous earth.
Did I leave anything out?
Matthew Oakes wrote:
Also, I am confused about the benefits of eating the food grade DE if getting it wet renders it useless. (It was mentioned in the article that people mix it with juice.) Please clarify all of the above. Thanks!
Ollie Puddlemaker
Zone 6 Ohio
Zone 6 Ohio
Zone 6 Ohio
g noland wrote:I bought ten lbs of DE and combed a couple of table spoons into my dogs fur. It had no visible effect on the number of fleas. They were all alive and kicking a day later. The only effective treatment so far seems to be a flea comb.
I would be more enthusiastic about putting this stuff on my carpet if I could see that it killed fleas. This was food grade DE purchased from the link on this web site's article on DE.
Behind in weeding, ahead in life and outstanding in our field!
Living without the need of supermarkets is absolutely empowering.
Living without the need of supermarkets is absolutely empowering.
Angora van Doorn wrote:DE is tasteless but because ours is grey it looks unappetizing. I mix it with some yogurt or in 1/4 cup fruit juice. The pets I simply sprinkle it on the food and mix in, chickens, goats etc get mixed with feed. I do not mix it in their water.
Ollie Puddlemaker
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