Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
"To oppose something is to maintain it" -- Ursula LeGuin
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Idle dreamer
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Clifford Reinke wrote:
So far I have planted two blueberries next to the pond. If the level drops during the dry season, I was thinking of cranberries on the areas that are seasonally flooded.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
osker brown wrote:Another water loving edible that grows well with blueberries and cranberries is Aronia melanocarpa (aka chokeberry, although I dislike that name and usually just call it aroniaberry). They're not sweet like blueberries but they are nutrient dense, grown as a "superfood" in europe.
Don't forget cattails.
I would think in your location you might want to dig a diversion drain for overflow? Possibly fill it with stropharia innoculated chips, or mushroom logs, depending on how often it floods? Just a thought...
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Idle dreamer
darius Van d'Rhys wrote:Great progress, and I love it!
Question: you say blueberries love water. How close to water's edge? Soggy or poorly draining soil ok? Intermittent wet soil? What's best?
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:They're beautiful!
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Idle dreamer
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Brandis Roush wrote:I love your place- did you use your own design for the hives? I mean I know top bar hives are pretty simple, but I've seen kits and plans out there as well. I'm trying to decide if I'm just going to build one, build one from plans, or order a kit. I am probably going to buy the top bars, because I don't have the means to cut the angles and I heard the angled ones work better (by angled, I mean the bottom is a triangle... make sense?).
I have often coveted farms/homesteads near the sea because of the wealth of nutrients in seaweed (among other things- climate, clams, etc), but I have to remind myself that every place has its pluses and minuses!
I'm about to start my own project thread, just working on getting my pics to upload!
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
1. my projects
Clifford Reinke wrote:
Before we built the hives we thought the ones sold by vendors were way too expensive. After building some, we believe their prices are more than fair. That said, they were a lot of fun as a woodworking project.
Brandis Roush wrote:
Clifford Reinke wrote:
That's pushing me to just buy one. Woodworking isn't my favorite thing- I do it when I have to, but I don't really have the right tools or setup to do a good job. So perhaps I'll just buy one. Then perhaps I'll be inspired to build my own for my second hive.
Is there a reason you went with four hives, or did that just sound like a good number? I know it's better to do two, but I can't really fathom spending that much all at once to get started. The bee thing is one that jumps off and on my "to-do" list pretty regularly. I really want to be self sufficient, but we have two or three really awesome apiaries within 30 miles of my house that sell great raw honey at the natural food co-op I buy most of my groceries at. It's really hard for me to be motivated when it's easy and (relatively) cheap to get a decent product nearby.
If you don't like wood working, definitely buy one if you are concerned about looks. If not, then just slap something together and it will work.
Two of the hives are my sons, we are just keeping them for him. We built them for him in return for some future cement work (He is a cement mason). My BIL and I actually built six of them, two each. Overwintering in the PNW is pretty hit or miss. Most hives are killed off by moisture. That is why we went with 2X material, hopefully it will buffer the moisture problems.
Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
Replace the word "snake" with "danger noodle" in all tiny ads.
Willow Feeder movie