Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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There are people near me who grow both lemons and oranges in greenhouses despite the low winter light levels. I've been told that lemons can stay on the tree for a long time. A neighbor has strawberries in hanging pots in their small greenhouse, but I suspect it's a special ever-bearing breed and I don't know how early/late they produce.William Bronson wrote: This raises a question for me,what fruits would produce best in a season extension greenhouse?
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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Living a life that requires no vacation.
Broad Shoulders Farm in Halifax County, VA Zone 7
Follow @broadshouldersfarm on FB and IG and YouTube
Living in Piedmont NC, attempting restoration of four acres
Arthur, where are your pants? Check under this tiny ad.
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)