Oops! I have a ton of red osier dogwood on my property, and I've been meaning to learn to teach myself to weave baskets. I learned from the Oracle (my pet name for the internet) that red osier is a wonderful basketry plant, so last spring I collected hundreds of the tallest, straightest rods I could find, and stored them upright in my
gardening shed for a year. They took up a great deal of space, but as I imagined my beautiful red baskets I was pleased.
Fast forward to this year, and I was ready to soak the dried osier and make my first basket. A place to soak the seven foot bundles for ten or more days was originally a puzzle, until I remembered our creek. Temps there are not warm, but it was wet and flowing, and was deep
enough to submerge the bundles. Twelve days later, I retrieved and mellowed the bundles in an old blanket, and was ready to try my hand at my first basket....only to have the rods snap and splinter as I bent them, again and again.
Which drove me back to The Oracle, searching by species this time. Eureka! Red Osier Willow (Salix Viminalis) is quite a different plant from Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus Sericea). Ahh my friends, the devil is in the details.
I am entirely unsure what to do with my beautiful-but-useless-for-basketry bundles at this point, but it was a good learning
experience. The Oracle also told me that if you take any material you wish to weave with and bend it without snapping while green, you can gauge its weave-ability, regardless of species. So I will be trying that going forward. From Oops....to Aha? Failure is such an important part of my process. The key is to keep at it, whatever it is!
Also, thank you Christopher, for the reminder to check my propane levels! May warmth be yours sooner than later.