Hello there ! I've been making all sort of plans and buying all sort of seeds for the spring, to grow a lot of stuff in the best area of my garden. Thing is, if I use just those area, I can say goodbye to half of the garden.
There are a few hedges and tree around the property (I'm leasing, so nothing I can do about that AFAIK), and there is also one tree in the garden (seem to be of the prunus family, but I'm not sure exactly what it it. The area around that tree is often shaded, and when I moved in in late August, there was almost nothing growing around that tree, and now that there is a lot of rainfall, the area get muddy, and doesn't drain
water very well.
I still need to learn a lot about
permaculture and the like, so as far as I can tell, I would need to add some ground cover there, maybe some mulch too ? But I'm not sure at all, and there is also the shadow problem. In the summer, at best, maybe this area get about 2 hours of direct sunlight. So, what plants can grow there ? Is there plants that I could even start growing there in January ?
In short, what would be a good plan to have this area of the garden be not only productive, but also healthy and pretty ? Ideally, plants that can have some purpose (ornamental plants bore me), something edible,
medicinal, some aromatics, or at "worse" something that can help maintain a healthy ecosystem (flowers, etc).