Garrett, I agree based on your pictures that those are elderberries, but I'm going to go with red elderberry, Sambucus racemosa, rather than the elderberry that people typically eat, the American elderberry, Sambucus canadensis.
Red elderberry flowers much earlier than American elderberry and the flower buds are purplish like yours while American elderberry has white flower buds that come out much later. Neither would be in berry this early, though yours must be ahead of mine since I'm up here in Maine. I use my American elderberry fruit and flowers every year, but I haven't tried red elderberry yet because I hear they aren't all that good. I only haven't removed it from my forest garden (it's a wild
volunteer) because I haven't yet needed that space and the wildlife might enjoy it, so for now I'm using it as a scaffold for thicket beans to grow up (I'm trying to cross thicket beans with runner beans hoping to get hardy
perennial runner beans).
Here are pictures of red and American elderberries I just took from my forest garden for comparison: