The shredder didn't last very long. But to be fair my parents used it a long time, and my son said it wasn't a very good quality.
I bought a new shredder not long after this post. I bought a Bonsaii 15 sheet. I have been very happy with it, and it's still going strong.
Basically I bought the shredder that would handle the most paper that I felt I could afford. I think it was about 100.00. I looked into actual cardboard shredder, but I could only find large industrial ones that were very expensive. So my thinking was if it could handle plastic credit
cards, and a large amounts of paper at once, then it
should be able to handle cardboard.
I love shopping at thrift stores, and like. I do have my doubts about finding a good shredder in one. Seems like you wouldn't donate one that's working great. You never know, I hope you find one, good luck.