One of my favorite places to be is my back
yard. It has a giant walnut tree. It's the biggest one I have ever seen. The tree gifts us with wonderful shade. I have several gardens. Veggie garden,
hugelkultur, a beginning of a food forest, a
rose garden, several flower gardens, and several fruit and nut
trees. What I don't have is a decent lawn. We have been content to mow weeds and call it good. This year under the amazing walnut tree most everything has died. Now the foxtails are showing up in force. I don't
water our pretend lawn. Being a California I use the water for the things I want to grow. I hate!!! Foxtail. I was reading in another post the way to get rid of them is the crowd them out with grass or other dense plant of choice. My problem is it is already getting pretty hot. It would be extremely hard to plant grass this time of year. Not to mention a great deal of water. I have several areas with
wood chips, and my son said we
should do that ( which is a total victory for me because I have been battling the whole family with my wood chips. They are starting to see the benefits. Mom isn't totally crazy after all). I don't really want that for this area. We use the fire pit here. It's a place we gather.
At this point we are mowing it to try to cut it before it forms the nasty heads. This is a total pain because they seem to be producing the head shorter and shorter. Also mowings this area is like creating my own personal dust storm.
I have tried planting short chamomile, but it died. The area gets little sun from around now through about December. I water to keep the tree alive, but water is scary low already.
I don't expect miracles, but I'm out of ideas, and wondered if anyone has a creative solution. For now, or even for the future. Thanks.