Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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There are people near me who grow both lemons and oranges in greenhouses despite the low winter light levels. I've been told that lemons can stay on the tree for a long time. A neighbor has strawberries in hanging pots in their small greenhouse, but I suspect it's a special ever-bearing breed and I don't know how early/late they produce.William Bronson wrote: This raises a question for me,what fruits would produce best in a season extension greenhouse?
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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Living a life that requires no vacation.
Broad Shoulders Farm in Halifax County, VA Zone 7
Follow @broadshouldersfarm on FB and IG and YouTube
Living in Piedmont NC, attempting restoration of four acres
Morgan Freeman narrated the birth and life of this tiny ad:
Freaky Cheap Heat - 2 hour movie - HD streaming