We’ve got 9 mature sugar maples growing along the north side of our driveway. Id like to plant berries (raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries and thimbleberries) and, since they cast so much shade to the north and the driveway is to the south, i was planning on sheet mulching around them and planting little berry guilds around their bases. I’d leave at least a foot of space around the tree trunks though. And prune branches up 15’ or so for more light and airflow.
I have pine sawdust, pine slabs, maple leaves, horse manure,
compost and pine woodchips to work with. My main worry is that by sheet mulching around the
trees that I’ll suffocate their
roots. Is that likely?
What if I only sheet mulch like 6” deep or so?
Or what if I lay the pine slabs first, bark side down, so that they act as a weed barrier and also wont lay totally flat with the ground. Leaving an air gap for a few years until they decompose?
Any opinions?