I like to take an alternative approach,
Instead of hitting "the bug" with all i've got, and doing my best to stop it, I am now embracing the fact that my body is sending signals that something needs to change. Instead of focusing too much on treating the symptoms, ive been really trying to figure out what might be the causes.
Is it possible that by treating the symptoms we might actually, sometimes, be preventing or slowing down the natural detoxification process?
Maybe there is something to the germ theory vs terrain theory? Am I treading on thin ice with this one? Maybe a topic for the Cider Press? I have seen how passionate, argumentative, and mean people can get over this.
I am of the opinion that both are involved, and the trick is in finding the balance.
It has been a major ongoing challenge to figure out what is the best path for me. I am not at all claiming to know the truth. There are so many nutritional "experts", and a lot of them are steering people towards very harmful directions. This, I think, is something we can all agree on. There is so much disinformation to have to sift through, and it has turned into a thick soup of confusion, blocking the view of a healing spring beneath.
Im really starting to believe that, in a certain context, the body does exactly what it needs to when dealing with stresses and dis-eases. All too often the store bought "remedies" - even the natural ones - can get in the way of what needs to happen for a recovery, while putting extra stresses on our detoxification organs, such as the liver and kidneys.
So, we look into how to help the liver and kidneys, but then run into all the conflicting information floating around like dross covering the pure spring beneath. But the way to access it is to dive in deep, filter out, and sift through anything blocking the flow.
Ok, ok, ill stop with the hippy-ish rant, and get to the point.
Here is what I have been doing lately for myself, and this is subject to change based on what my body tells me, and the information ive rejected or accepted.
I like to make sure to stay hydrated. But not too much. If my
pee is clear I take it as a sign that ive been drinking too much, which is contrary to what most "nutrition experts" say. The cleaner the
water the better of
course, and what the proper mineral and oxygen levels should be is yet another pool of "it depends." I think there is also something to what Dr. Gerald Pollack has shown with "Exclusion Zone" water (EZ water), or the 4th phase of water. This can also be associated with "structured water."
Get enough sleep/rest. Minimizing the stress. I know this is not always possible, especially for somebody like Paul, who is on a relentless mission towards establishing
world domination. Sometimes there are more important matters to worry about than a temporary bug, and to get it out of the way ASAP allows the mission to continue without delay. At least in the short term. But at what long term cost? Maybe the best ROI (return on investment) is to work 60 hrs a week, instead of 100? At least during the winter, when everything in nature seems to go into a slower and more restful mode?
Breathing Exercises combined with deliberate Body Movements and Stretches as an (almost) daily morning routine. To help the natural systems in the body flow correctly. The circulatory respiratory, nervous, lymphatic, etc. To loosen up the increasingly tightening muscles, while strengthening the ones that are heading towards atrophy. To uncomfortably get to the Core, repeatedly.
Minimizing sugar, carbohydrate, caffeine, and alcohol intake. This has been my greatest challenge, especially in the middle of winter when the food options have become so much more scarce. But I really think that this has a lot to do with why winter time is associated with catching the colds/flu. The body has moved into a vulnerable and imbalanced state because of the lack of one thing, and the over abundance of another. We aren't getting enough sunshine on our skin, and the bare feet are no longer grounding to the earth. Who the hell wants to put their bare feet onto the frozen ground, anyway? Not me.
Maybe there is opportunity here to design a
rocket mass heater powered "earthing station" in a passive
greenhouse? A sauna? To help occasionally break out into a sweat, which is in itself a detoxing pathway.
Addressing Imbalances. This is another controversial topic to tread lightly on. What helps one person can seriously harm another. What i've been doing for myself is trying to add more Zinc in my diet, and putting on a topical magnesium chloride occasionally. I like to compare this to a garden. If all the minerals are present in the right balance, then we can create an environment where plants can be completely resistant to pests and diseases. If there is too much, or too little, of a certain elements, then the diseases and insects that show up can give us a sign of what needs to be changed. One of my favorite videos about the topic insect and disease resistance comes from one of my favorite Regenerative Ag leaders, John kemp: