Wow, this thread started 11 years ago. Neat!
There's a lot of stuff we confine to the cider press. It isn't a perfect system, but it is pretty good. At least I think so.
At the same time, the way we decide what is good or what is not good .... or what is not for the open forums ... is wonky. After all, the english language makes it so there are lots of edge cases. And the all
volunteer staff is untrained, so they make the best of it. And some people seem to be trying to
fuck with us - so the staff tend to be a bit more strict. And some people are openly trying to stumble through life, and the staff seem less strict.
And, of course, it is about a thousand times more complicated than that. While at the same time being simpler than that: staff bee-bop through the forums and if they see something that they think stinks, they remove it.
And once in a long while somebody says "hey, my golden poetry disappeared! what the fuck! put it back!" And stuff happens. And sometimes I am asked to take a look. Normally I just want to support the untrained, unpaid staff - but once in a while I might deviate from that path.
So, people say "Hey, you gotta be clearer about this!" and my response is "Let me be clear that I am going to be vague." I think a lot of forums are destroyed by their own rules. We have the one rule which is very vague. And then we have a lot of very vague guidelines. And then we sloppily make it all up as we go. And, mysteriously, a few hundred thousand people seem to understand perfectly and everything is fine. And a few dozen (hundred?) people do NOT understand - and they either figure it out in time, or they leave.
And all is well.
I hope this helps.