Ollie Puddlemaker
Ollie Puddlemaker
Alec Solimeo wrote:Ollie-
Yeah, sorry it took me so long to register...I just generally access the information needed I guess I forgot to! go Permies!!!
I had already read two of those threads...but read them again and a checked out the new one! TY
Question 1:
Im hoping to figure out how to get most of a months feed (1500lbs) fermenting at the beginning of the month or at least bi-monthly.
So I guess Im looking to gauge how long certain ferment can go before going bad and how long it takes certain ferment to get to work...for example...Im underthe impression that to use Whey as a starte would take longer than ACV mother culture.
Question 2: Im interested in using the mothers that we create here to keep it all going, instead of need new whey or new ACV...any suggestions or reccomendations for use of mother cultures of feed?
Question 3: What/How much feed does anyone start at one time...as I said Im feeding 150+ birds or so Im looking to connect with a large scale plan or those who can illustrate their systems a bit...
As of right now I start a weeks at a time but obviously the first days is not as ripe as the last couple days...
thanks for your words
Some of the people on BYC are feeding large flocks such as yours~some keep several buckets going as a rolling process and some just cut to the chase and mix it in a large 30 gal. trash can and be done with it. One lady on there who has been doing this for a long time does just that. She feeds all her animals~dogs and horses included~from this trash can and has had the same ferment going for years now. It's sort of like sourdough...if you are adding fresh feed and stirring it each day or so, adding fresh water to keep it moist, you are golden.
Ollie Puddlemaker
Ollie Puddlemaker
Ollie Puddlemaker
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
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