So the time lapse didn't work out due to annoying technical stuff. grrrr
I spent most of the morning doing nest labor. After lunch I spent a bit of time checking out my plot then went back to base camp and worked on the patio for some fysh
Beans are finally coming up!
More beans!
Currant is leafing out more
Chestnut leafing out more, it's starting to actually look like a tree!
Yesterday morning we mulched a bunch of baby trees that finally germinated on Plum Plateau. Afternoon was junk pole harvest, and then a couple of us went for a much needed swim in the river after boot time to get the soot off and cool down
Pennycress on the hugel is rripening it's seeds... looks beautiful in the sun
Yesterday I spent part of the morning doing chop and drop then spent two hours doing junk pole harvest. We went back after lunch for two more hours of harvest then unloaded and slotted poles for the rest of the day.
Gremlin being a good mama
The wild roses are blooming
A comfrey leaf I stuck in the solar dehydrator a few days ago