Yesterday I spent the better part of the day working on my plot. I got as 1/4lb of radish seed planted (that's a lot of radish!) along with a bunch of cow peas and some sorghum. I was disappointed by how few of the beans I'd previously planted came up, but I did find a few. Maybe there's more on the way...
My chestnuts are looking good though, and some of them are already leafing out! And the currant is leafing out, which is especially good news because I was worried it was dead.
Yesterday I fixed up one of the particularly bad roads on the lab, then went out and bought some tools off craigslist. Made it back just in time to water my plants and go to bed haha.
Huge thank yous to Greg Martin and Kerry Rodgers for adopting trees! Greg, I got your sign up today. Kerry, now that I have your message I'll be sure to get yours up this weekend!
No worries Greg, I'll make sure to take good care of your kid for ya.
Yesterday we harvested junk poles in the morning and did some chop in drop in the afternoon. We got a bit of much needed rain around 3pm, but still not nearly as much as I would like
I started off the day yesterday doing roadwork and then spent the rest of the morning filling poles. Afternoon was junkpole harvest time, and we finally got some rain! Like real rain, the gauage says 0.18. So not a ton, but the most we've had in a while. Boy did we need it
I received some seeds yesterday, thank you so much Joshua Myrvaagnes!
I opened the peppers labeled 'Vietnamese Hot Pepper' and Orin said "Wow those are probably really hot" then I pulled out the 'Xtra Hot Vietnamese Pepper' haha. Can't wait to try growing them!
Did a bunch of junk pole harvest in the morning, then a bit of slotting. Started out the afternoon slotting junkpoles and finished it up doing roadwork.
What is that? Is that a mongol horde? Can we fend them off with this tiny ad?