Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Clayton's Bootcamp Experience

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Location: Midwest Montana
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BRK Day 35

I'm very curious to see how the bricks come out as well Nicole. I hope to have a rough sketch of my plan for the shelter up in the next few weeks. Actual construction will have to wait until I can acquire some more tools, and get my brick material dialed in.

Most of the boots spent the morning cleaning up the garage. Thanks to a lot of help from Orin and Josiah, I managed to bring home a LOT of glass to build a greenhouse. More of it's broken than we were told before picking it up, but there's still lots that's intact.

Big shout out to Josiah for letting me borrow his truck, check out his boot thread here. And today is his birthday, so tell him happy birthday while you're there!

On another note, I've just put up my chestnut seedlings up for adoption! Check it out on the boots love thread here

I modified a sweater a bit to make our hot water urn a bit more efficient... I'm calling it Kenny from now on
I modified a sweater a bit to make our hot water urn a bit more efficient... I'm calling it Kenny from now on
Found a new hat in the free box, it might be my favorite posession
Found a new hat in the free box, it might be my favorite posession
Glass! Side view
Glass! Side view
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Guy, that hat is IT! <g>

Now you really look like you belong. <GG>

Rufus Laggren
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> glass

My experience with old glass says do as little as possible to it -  don't ask it to change. If you can use it in the existing frames, you may end with 30% more than if you try to reframe it.

Clayton High
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BRK Day 36

Thanks Rufus! I think that's a wise suggestion. I plan to seal the cracks I can and break out the ones that aren't salvageable, just have single pane glass some places. I'd like to fit new panes into the frames but I suspect that's not possible.

It frosted here this morning. Just a bit, but it's June 9th. Jeez!

One of the chestnut seedlings was adopted yesterday, thanks Greg Martin! Only two Precoce Migoule remain. Get yours before they're gone!

Sunday afternoon the pin in the gate sheared, so we did some hurried repair work and got it better than ever. We pounded a steel pipe into the pole and put a 3/4" piece of greased rebar inside so it pivots nicely without putting tension on the wood.
The newest innovation of Wheaton Labs. Is it a tractor? Is it a gate? It's a tractor gate!
The newest innovation of Wheaton Labs. Is it a tractor? Is it a gate? It's a tractor gate!
Part of the pin was stuck in the log... we tried to pound it in without much success
Part of the pin was stuck in the log... we tried to pound it in without much success
Moving the tractor into position
Moving the tractor into position
Picking up the bar with the tractor
Picking up the bar with the tractor
Clayton High
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Location: Midwest Montana
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BRK Day 37

Yesterday morning we picked up the junkpoles some of the boots harvested yesterday, and me and Fred dug holes for the six hazelnut transplants and then worked on filling junkpoles
In the afternoon, me and Scott got the last of the horizontals up! Whoot!

Another chestnut got adopted yesterday, thank you Kerry Rodgers! Only four are left available!
Nice new pile
Nice new pile
Coming soon: a hazelnut
Coming soon: a hazelnut
They're all up!
They're all up!
Time lapse week 3
Time lapse week 3
Clayton High
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BRK Day 38

Yesterday we spent the morning harvesting junkpoles, then slotted them in in the afternoon.
It was a long, hot day but the fence looks incredible! All the sections are full enough to at least block deer.

This is a very badly edited, and even worse filmed, video of some cloches I took a week or so back. If you like this type of thing, let me know and maybe I'll do it more often. Maybe

Rufus Laggren
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I guess it's hard to know when you're in the middle of it what part of the daily grind will look neat and exotic to the peanut gallery. I thought that one was informative and worthwhile. (Although, that tiny thing I _think_ you meant was the "real plant" looked pretty insignificant compared to it's brother weeds...)  Don't see any problem with your production values at all! Function over form. <g>

I'm one of those people who see a plant and think "hmm... which one is it? it looks green...  ".   Then depending, "ouch" or "too tiny to be anything" or "which is the plant and which is weeds".  So I'm basically a cheap date when leaning _anything_ about plants. <g>

Clayton High
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Location: Midwest Montana
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BRK Day 39

Thanks Rufus! Your comment about the peanut gallery is very true... as for the plant, that's why we have to weed them haha. Now if we could just get it to grow faster than the weeds...
I think "which is the plants and which is weeds" is all you really need to know, and might lead to some pleasant surprises come harvest!

Yesterday Orin and I went and got a load of water in Judy and sprayed down the beds, then I spent some time planting our blueberry seedling and transplanting some fruit saplings from the (soon to be deconstructed) pee palace
We spent the afternoon filling junkpoles, and I got to do roadwork on the tractor for the first time!

Crazy temperature swing yesterday
Crazy temperature swing yesterday
Roadwork selfie (don't worry, I wasn't moving
Roadwork selfie (don't worry, I wasn't moving
Choo Choo
Choo Choo
The Millennium Falcon lives
The Millennium Falcon lives
[Thumbnail for IMG_20200611_163202157_HDR.jpg]
And that's when I realized I wasn't wearing any pants. Maybe this tiny ad has pants:
Willow Feeder movie
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