How long can wood be exposed to elements before unusable?
6 |
David Pritchett
1/2/2022 9:17:24 AM
John C Daley
roundwood and timber framing |
Reforesting cedar groves towards sylvopasture
1 |
David Pritchett
8/23/2021 8:19:10 PM
Anne Miller
woodland |
To feed silage or not to feed silage? That is the question.
5 |
David Pritchett
6/6/2021 5:08:10 PM
Skandi Rogers
critter care |
Structural stability/properties of round vs square post and beam
2 |
David Pritchett
5/16/2021 9:00:44 PM
David Pritchett
roundwood and timber framing |
Need Help/New Ideas Identifying Regions For Homesteading
9 |
David Pritchett
9/10/2019 8:01:19 AM
Hans Quistorff
homestead |
Beaver pond inspired swales?
1 |
David Pritchett
6/7/2019 1:17:52 PM
Mike Barkley
permaculture |
Considering vermicomposting trenches
2 |
David Pritchett
2/5/2019 3:53:17 AM
Ben Zumeta
gardening for beginners |
Advice on saving late planted corn for seed
7 |
David Pritchett
10/5/2018 7:45:21 PM
David Pritchett
seeds and breeding |
Dealing with heavy clay
17 |
David Pritchett
9/8/2018 3:30:40 AM
Rob Lineberger
gardening for beginners |
New garden apple tree died possibly fungal?
3 |
David Pritchett
8/22/2018 3:31:39 PM
David Pritchett
apples |