I've seen this before, and wondered if it might be useful for herding the hens back to their coop at dusk! With the cattle though, if it ever flipped, or the battery died, I think your toy would be history! LOL
Fascinating stuff. On the odd occasion our chickens wandered into paddocks, our cows would chase them out again. Interestingly they never seemed to be bothered by other birds (magpies, cockatoos, etc) walking around the paddocks.
I love cows. They are so funny, and it's really true that they are both a lot smarter than people think, and a whole lot more inquisitive. I miss them.
I'm a young and I'm not going to contort myself to fit in with our very ill society. I am a citizen of the world, not a mindless consumer. If you want to follow along with my journal, here's my blog: Life Happened Today
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