Joseph Lofthouse wrote:At my place, common flax, and Lewis flax grow very well. Scarlet flax struggles. Therefore, scarlet flax is my least preferred for linen.
Does your Lewis flax have a fine seed with an umbrella like lettuce seed? That is what I have in my field.
I sent some to R. Ranson but I have not heard back if she tested it.
The seed heads of sme plants got wet before the wind dispersed them so I can pull a few seeds if someone wants to test it.
It gets taller where it remains wet longer. The field is clay with a 4 to six inch topsoil and has a large Z shaped saw;e pattern with shallow ponds. Where the soil drains fast or too far from the
swale and ponds it may only grow a few inches tall and wait for the fall rains to bloom and seed.
local basket weaver I trialing it for making baskets. The stems are very strong, stiff when dry and a nice read color.. It will grow tightly spaced and then has few side branches.