Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Dennis Bangham wrote:A couple of my Asian Pears have orange hair like growth on the fruit and the coloring has come off on a few to the nearby leaves.
I suspect it is Cedar Quince Rust since it looks much like the pictures I see on a University of Florida horticulture page.
I only had Neem Oil so I sprayed that in hopes to do something.
Are there any recommended treatments that I can do now? Looks like a a little under a third of the fruit is infected.
I can get a picture tomorrow if needed.
Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Dennis Bangham wrote:Thanks Hamilton,
I would have to scale this down to make it something for my use. I only have 5 trees and only 2 are affected. I do have rock dust and sea-90 sea salt. I would maybe try a 1/10th of the amount of the video. Wonder if the chemical reaction would still create enough heat on the smaller amounts.
Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Dennis Bangham wrote:Thanks Hamilton,
Do you know where I can purchase the pure sulfur and NaOH? The sulfur I can get is only 90% since it is a soil amendment.
Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Dennis Bangham wrote:Thanks. I was wondering if the impurities would cause a problem. I guess they could be considered the minerals.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Other people may reject you but if you lie in the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will accept you as one of their own!
Dennis Bangham wrote:Hamilton, Should I mix the sulfar mix with water before applying to the affected trees? Wondering if this might damage a pump prayer unless I thin it out some.
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